+ 189 dalších
výletů, kulturních akcí, památek i ubytování

Tourist Information and Transport Center of Podřipsko Region

  Česká verze stránky.


Opening hours: 1.4. - 31.10. 1.11. - 31.3.
Monday-Friday 7:30 – 17:30 7:30 – 17:30
Saturday, Sunday, Holidays 9:00 – 17:00 10:00 – 16:00

Services provided

  • pre-sale tickets at kulturaroudnice.cz
  • cultural events at Cultural House Říp,
  • a ticket sales of historical monuments in Roudnice nad Labem (guided tour of Lobkowizc Castle and Romanesque Castle, tours of the tower Hláska,
  • Pre-sale tickets to museum of Podřipsko,
  • bus station services (tickets + waiting room), information about departures and arrivals of bus services,
  • administration of defined poster areas in Roudnice nad Labem,
  • information about tourist sights, tourist attractions and trips to the surrounding area,information on accommodation and catering facilities,
  • information materials about Podřipsko region, the destination of Central Bohemian Uplandsabout other areas included in the Gate to Bohemia (Usti region),
  • sale of  souvenirs, maps, books, etc.,
  • the sale of hot drinks,
  • access to internet services through the tourist information portal www.vyletnarip.cz,
  • permanent projection of short videos with regional themes and attractions of our region including invitations to selected events,
  • reprographic services.
A.T.I.C. České republiky

The information and transport center of Podřipsko region is a member of the Association of Tourist Information Centres of the Czech Republic. Uniform classification of information centres of the Czech Republic.


In 2022 we won the 2nd place of the Ústí Region in competition of the most popular information center of the year..

The most popular information center of years 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 in Ústí region – certificates.

Diplom 2021 - 1. místo
Diplom 2020 - 1. místo
Diplom 2019 - 1. místo
Diplom 2018 - 1. místo

Říp, o.p.s.

Tourist campaign Trip to Říp including the website www.vyletnarip.cz, FB channel Trip to Říp and Information and Transport center of Podřipsko region and other related activities are  provided by Říp, o.p.s.

Other contacts and information about activities on the website www.ripops.cz.

Český systém kvality služeb

Říp, o.p.s. holds a Q certificate – quality care.

If you find a error, please contact us by info@ripops.cz.


Město Roudnice nad Labem


Místní akční skupina Podřipsko, z.s.
Destinační agentura České středohoří, o.p.s.